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SmartVitinet in I3 Instrument Coordinators’ Days


As we move on in the second year of the SmartVitiNet project lifetime, and towards the execution of the piloting plan when all the challenges of in-field productive viticulture will meet the technology suggested, tested, and implemented in the context of the project, and after having identified the user requirements, the SmartVitiNet project will put in place all the software and hardware components to achieve its objectives.


The ins and outs of the I3 Instrument Coordinators’ Days

At the same time, networking with other projects that have been funded under the same Call (both of strands 1, 2a, and 2b) is of the essence, and to this end, SmartVitiNet participated in the I3 Instrument Coordinators’ Days, that took place in Brussels, Belgium, on the 7th and 8th March 2024. Following the successful first I3 Instrument Coordinators’ Day that took place in March 2023, when SmartVitiNet was among ten other funded projects, this year 34 ongoing projects (financed under strands 1, 2a, and 2b) were presented in this initiative organised by the I3 Instrument team in EISMEA, together with the EU department for regional and urban policy (DG REGIO).

The purpose of the meeting was to facilitate exchange and good practices between projects, both of those which were first funded and are in a more mature state as well as projects which began in the last trimester of 2023. Also, another goal was to explore synergies and collaboration opportunities between projects. Last, the intention was to collect feedback for DG REGIO / EISMEA and to provide tips and guidance related to projects’ implementation, monitoring, and reporting.


At the same time, the EISMEA I3 team prepared different discussion points for each sectoral workshop and thematic round tables which enabled the coordinators of the projects to discuss various aspects of their projects. With the increase of projects participating in this year’s event, it was an excellent opportunity to meet the other coordination teams, explore potential collaborations with other relevant projects around similar thematics, and strengthen this very important initiative.


The basics of SmartVitinet

SmartVitiNet is a European project aiming to transform the viticulture sector through piloting and bringing into life an innovative phytosanitary and plant protection system, in combination with the creation of a Competence Center for Precision Viticulture. This will empower all the stakeholders of this network with access to knowledge and expertise. The project has received recognition and funding from the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) under the topic I3-2021-INV2a-GREEN, in the first round of such calls.



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Co-Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement number 101083737. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European’s Union’s European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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